Abstract (ukr):
Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата економічних наук за
спеціальністю 08.00.09 – бухгалтерський облік, аналіз та аудит (за видами
економічної діяльності). – Житомирський державний технологічний університет
Міністерства освіти і науки України, Житомир, 2017.
Обґрунтовано передумови впровадження звітності сталого розвитку як нового
механізму оприлюднення інформації про господарську діяльність підприємств, що
покладено в розвинені теоретичні положення розвитку бухгалтерського обліку.
Розроблено механізм формування показників звітності сталого розвитку відповідно
до протоколів GRI. Обґрунтовано напрями трансформації елементів методу
бухгалтерського обліку для формування інформаційного простору управління сталим
розвитком. Удосконалено методичні положення бухгалтерського обліку як складової
інформаційного забезпечення звітності сталого розвитку через розробку підходу до
організації аналітичного обліку, системи первинного документування, пакету
внутрішньої звітності та порядку відображення на рахунках об’єктів, які характеризують
економічну, соціальну та екологічну результативність господарської діяльності
підприємства. Запропоновано організаційно-методичні положення верифікації
звітності сталого розвитку як основи оцінки її якісних параметрів для сейкхолдерів.
Abstract (eng):
Dissertation for the seekof the science degree as an candidate of economic sciences
with specialization 08.00.09 – accounting, analysis and audit (within types of economical
activities). – ZhytomyrState Technological University, Ministry of Education and Science
of Ukraine, Zhytomyr, 2017.
This dissertation is devoted to argumentation the theoretical suggestions and
developing the practical recommendations in improving the mechanism of formation,
accounting assurance and verification of the enterprises sustainability reporting.
The object of this research is a system of sustainability reporting as an integrated part
in accounting and information assurance of the enterprises management.
The subjects of this research are theoretical and methodological thesis’s concerning
formation, accounting assurance and verification the enterprises sustainability reporting as
a new mechanism of business information transparency.
In this paper the theoretical suggestions concerning accounting and sustainability
reporting are developed by providing the argumentation of necessity the new
mechanism of information transparency about business activity, social responsibility in
defining their roles in assurance of the enterprises sustainability development. There is
also systematized the requirements about qualitative content, order of formulation and
conformation the sustainability reporting indicators which are consisting with the
methodological recommendations and with the protocols of international regulatory
bodies in the sustainability reporting field, such as AA 1000, Global Reporting
Initiatives (GRI), Equator Principles, Sunshine Standards that let to validate the priority
of using Global Reporting Initiatives protocols in Ukrainian enterprises practice.
There is also fulfilled the quality assessment of the information about sustainable
development the domestic enterprises through the analysis of the rates and indicators
disclosed in their reports which are describing economical, ecological and social
activities which let to find the compliance them to international regulatory
requirements to such types of reporting.
Elaborated the order of accounting objects identification with the rates and
indicators of sustainability reporting in the prisms of economical, ecological and
social enterprises activities that is consistent with Global Reporting Initiatives
protocols and provides mechanism of harmonization the financial, statistical and
sustainability reporting.
Developed the mechanism of formation the indicators of economical, ecological
and social parts in integrated reporting by grounding accountancy and other
information supply and offered the algorithm for rates and indicators formulation in
all spheres of business activity that is the basement of new format in information
transparency for the participants of social and economical relationships.
Verified the methodological approach to the organization and formation of the
accounting support in sustainability reporting with includes: 1) the order of
verification the correct place for the elements of financial accounting in providing the
information for sustainability reporting; 2) approach to organization the
analytical book-keeping with describes the objects of management through the prisms
of economical, ecological and social business activities; 3) consistency
financial reporting rates and indicators with the protocols of Global Reporting
Initiatives; 4) bulk of internal reports as an integrated part for the formation of
sustainability reporting ( report about payment to investors, report about payment to
state, report about rates connected with climate changes, report about
employment, report about purchase budget, report about ecological activity, report
about social activity), with let to create information base in managing the enterprise
sustainability development.
Developed methodological aspects in financial accounting the objects
which are describing the sustainable development of the enterprise and its
accountability toward society, in particular developed: 1) accounting support in
enterprise activity from the prism of risk assessment for climate changes; 2)
accounting legers of the transactions connected with enterprise ecological security; 3)
order and accounting the expenses arisen as a result of marking the products and
customers claims which is new look for the development of accounting support in
sustainability reporting.
Improved the organization frameworks in the system of verification the
sustainability reporting, as a result of it: 1) validated the integrated parts of
verification system (enterprise responsibilities, principles, conformations,
requirements for the subject of the inspection); 20 developed the model of
organization the verification system; 3) offered algorithm of verification assessment
and rating with is the key element of new mechanism of disclosure information about
enterprises activities.
Offered methodological approach to the procedure of verification the
sustainability reporting in the part of assessment the setting level of the subject of
inspection, assessment importance of the requirements of stakeholders, assessment of
the efficiency of social activities, with suggest the implementation the complex of
analytical procedures and account the stakeholder’s requirements concerning the
enterprise sustainable development
Implemented the assessment of the quality of disclosed information about
sustainable development of domestic enterprises through the analysis of their reporting
indicators which describe economical, ecological and social efficiency of their business
activity which let to detect their compliancy to valid international system regulating
this type of reporting.