Розвиток теорії та методології бухгалтерського обліку та контролю операцій з криптовалютами

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dc.contributor.author Макурін, А.А.
dc.contributor.author Makurin, A.A.
dc.date.accessioned 2023-10-18T08:47:50Z
dc.date.available 2023-10-18T08:47:50Z
dc.date.issued 2023
dc.identifier.uri http://eztuir.ztu.edu.ua/123456789/8278
dc.description.abstract Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня доктора економічних наук за спеціальністю 08.00.09 – бухгалтерський облік, аналіз та аудит (за видами економічної діяльності). – Державний університет «Житомирська політехніка» Дисертація присвячена вирішенню наукової проблеми розвитку теоретико-метологічних засад та практичного інструментарію ведення обліку та контролю по операціям з криптовалютами. Визначено, що електронні гроші – це електронна форма фіатних валют, що емітуються та регулюються центральними банками, зберігаються в електронних гаманцях певної платіжної системи, є загальновизнаним та нормативно врегульованим платіжним засобом і можуть бути конвертовані у відповідну національну валюту. Доведено, що криптовалюта є активом, оскільки є ресурсом, який контрольований внаслідок минулих подій, від використання якого підприємство очікує економічну вигоду, та який може бути достовірно оцінений на певну дату. Запропоновано криптовалюту, отриману в результаті майнінгу, оцінювати за собівартістю з урахуванням вартості ресурсів, витрачених в процесі майнігу, зокрема, використаного обладнання (майнінг ферма, acік, хмарний майнінг фізичного чи віртуального обладнання); джерела живлення (електроенергія з традиційних чи альтернативних джерел). Для відображення операцій з майнінгу криптовалюти, доцільно розглядати 2 ситуації: 1) майнер працює над видобутком нового виду криптовалюти, яка досі не існувала. 2) майнер створює криптоактиви за вже існуючою технологією. В такому випадку витрати слід капіталізувати на рахунку 154 «Придбання (створення) нематеріальних активів» з метою формування первісної вартості (собівартості). Виділено основні загрози в мережі інтернет та рекомендовано розглядати три основні напрями кібербезпеки криптовалюти: 1) аудит; 2) холодне зберігання криптовалюти; 3) страхування. uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk uk_UA
dc.publisher Державний університет "Житомирська політехніка" uk_UA
dc.subject криптовалюти uk_UA
dc.subject електронні гроші uk_UA
dc.subject віртуальний актив uk_UA
dc.subject цифровий гаманець uk_UA
dc.subject майнінг uk_UA
dc.subject облік доходів uk_UA
dc.subject витрати uk_UA
dc.subject контроль uk_UA
dc.subject cryptocurrencies uk_UA
dc.subject electronic money uk_UA
dc.subject virtual asset uk_UA
dc.subject digital wallet uk_UA
dc.subject mining uk_UA
dc.subject income accounting uk_UA
dc.subject expenses uk_UA
dc.subject control uk_UA
dc.title Розвиток теорії та методології бухгалтерського обліку та контролю операцій з криптовалютами uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Development of the theory and methodology of accounting and control of transactions with cryptocurrencies uk_UA
dc.type Thesis uk_UA
dc.description.abstracten Dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences, specialty 08.00.09 - Accounting region, analysis and audit (for all economic activities). Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Zhytomyr, 2023. The dissertation is devoted to the solution of scientific problems of the development of theoretical and methodological foundations and useful tools for keeping records and supervising operations with cryptocurrencies. It was determined that electronic money is an electronic form of fiat currencies issued and regulated by central banks, stored in electronic wallets of a 40 certain payment system, is a generally recognized and normatively regulated means of payment and can be converted into the corresponding national currency. A virtual asset is a special type of property that is valuable in electronic form, exists in the system of circulation of virtual assets, and can be in civil circulation. A digital asset is an information resource derived from a right to value or property that is in the distributed ledger network under a certain identifier. A virtual wallet is software that provides the user with information about virtual assets owned by him and the ability to dispose of them in the system of circulation of virtual assets. As a result of the comparison of the functions of cryptocurrency and money, it is proven that cryptocurrencies perform saving functions, potentially (may be limited by legislation) perform the functions of a means of circulation and a means of payment but cannot perform the function of a measure of value, and the implementation of the function of world money is currently complicated due to a legal vacuum at the international level. This made it possible to approach the definition of the concept and essence of cryptocurrency in a more reasonable way. It has been proven that cryptocurrency is an asset, as it is a resource that is controlled because of past events, from the use of which the company expects an economic benefit, and which can be reliably estimated at a certain date. However, due to significant diversity and different purposes, it can be reflected in the composition of different accounting objects. If cryptocurrency is not recognized as a means of payment, it is recognized as an intangible asset (with reflection on the proposed subaccount 128 "Digital assets" and analytical accounting by types of digital assets and by types of cryptocurrencies); when planning its alienation (sale) - as part of stocks (account 286, analytical account 286.1 "Cryptocurrency intended for use during the reporting period"); in the case of the purchase of cryptocurrency with a centralized secured issue for investment purposes - recognition of it as a financial investment (account 352 "Other current financial investments", 143 "Investments to unrelated parties" with the allocation of relevant analytical accounts); after recognizing it as an official means of payment, it is recommended to enter sub-account 336 "Digital wallet" with analytical accounting in terms of types of digital wallets and types of cryptocurrencies). If it is necessary to display cryptocurrency transactions in banks, it is suggested to record digital currencies received by the cashier from a natural person, to record digital assets in terms of received cryptocurrencies on account 1008; on account 1005.1 - accounting of digital assets collected before transfer. Recognizing cryptocurrency as a means of payment would allow it to be included in other funds and develop a separate accounting standard. In order to reflect cryptocurrency in accounting, a theoretical and methodological approach has been developed regarding its valuation upon receipt depending on the ways: in the case of acquisition for cash - at the nominal value of paid fiat funds (at acquisition cost), in the case of acquisition by a trading company - at fair value at deducting costs of sale and payment of the commission, in the case of contribution to the authorized capital or free receipt - at fair value. Taking into account the high volatility, the necessity of revaluation of the cryptocurrency is 41 justified: on the date of the transaction - to the attribute value, which is adjusted for the amount of tax that must be paid during the transaction; on the balance sheet date - to the fair value, which is determined at the level of the market value of the cryptocurrency. It is proposed to display the results of such revaluation using subaccounts 740 "Income from changes in the value of financial instruments" and 970 "Expenses from changes in the value of financial instruments". Taking these proposals into account will increase the reliability of financial reporting indicators and help reduce the risks of making management decisions based on it. To reduce the risk of losses when using cryptocurrency, one of the key points is rate forecasting. It was determined that the rate of mined cryptocurrency is influenced by such factors as the level of mining complexity, network capacity (terahash), transaction volume, number of network participants, etc. The course of new cryptocurrencies mostly depends on marketing, which makes it possible to predict their course using the analysis of external and internal factors and mathematical modeling; through the mathematical expectation (ES) risk system using VAR; with the help of artificial neural networks, fundamental analysis tools. All factors affecting the cryptocurrency exchange rate are divided into groups: 1) limited resources and market demand; 2) technical factors; 3) social factors; 4) risk of ban. This technique will allow to reduce the level of risk when making management decisions regarding transactions with cryptocurrencies and minimize financial losses. The main threats on the Internet are highlighted and it is recommended to consider three main areas of cryptocurrency cyber security: 1) audit; 2) cold storage of cryptocurrency; 3) insurance. To control the cryptocurrency market, it is proposed to implement the possibility of economic expertise: as an element of the management process – intra-departmental, corporate, internal expertise; as a type of consulting activity - independent (commercial, commissioned) external examination carried out by independent experts; in court cases. Control and regulation of the crypto market should be carried out in such forms as: adoption of regulatory and legal documents; determination of the rights and obligations of all crypto market participants; licensing and control of crypto exchanges and crypto exchange operations; prosecution of persons; establishing rules and standards for the provision of financial services on the cryptocurrency market, monitoring their compliance and the reliability of the information provided. uk_UA

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